Monday, March 10, 2008

Beth Rogers, Convener for ACT OPALS

I have been the convenor for the ACT OPALS for a couple of years now. In my library career, have always worked in small, one person libraries,and enjoy it mostly, for the flexibility and autonomy which it gives you. I like getting my own systems in place and running an efficient, personal and high profile library. I have always enjoyed excellent support from my directors and principals in my library positions.

As a one person librarian, I know that networking with colleagues isabsolutely vital. Previously, as a teacher librarian, I participated in various networking groups in Sydney and in Canberra and found it vital in discussing technology, and other operational issues, as well asmany other work related issues. Once I was established in my library here, I realised that I needed to be able to network with similar colleagues in government libraries, so went about starting a group, with the assistance of the Group's coordinators at ALIA.

I certainly appreciate the support I receive frommy ALIA colleagues and AGLIN colleagues, and I continue to make aneffort to keep the OPALS rolling along, to fill that networking and friendship need we have, since most of us work in organizations where weare the only ones, so no-one else really has any idea of what we do, orour daily issues. I hope to have a least one guest speaker this year, and am always on thelook out for events we can participate in.

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