Thursday, May 22, 2008

How many library people in your suburb?

Are you curious to know how many librarians, library assistants, or library technicians were recorded as living in your local suburb during the 2006 Census?

Find out using the Census Tables product on the ABS website:

5 Easy Steps:
1. select 'View Census Tables by Topic'
2. choose the topic 'Occupation'
3. select the option 'Occupation by Sex - 2006 ANZSCO Alternative View: Culture and Leisure Occupations'
4. click the 'Select Location' button and type your suburb name into the search box
5. click the 'View Census Tables' button and open the Excel table under the 'Details' tab.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Information Awareness Month

May is Information Awareness Month:

the purpose of Information Awareness Month (IAM) is to increase public awareness of the breadth of the information industry through a series of events all through the month of May.

Information Awareness Month has grown into a collaborative event between various bodies within the records/archiving/information management community. ALIA is one of the contributing organisations.

IAM 2008 was launched at the National Archives of Australia by the Director-General of the NAA, Ross Gibbs, on the 1 May. Since then many & varied events have been taking place around Canberra, including breakfasts, seminars, world cafe discussions, and more. Check the events listing for next week's upcoming activities.